make the most of every opportunity

image via Zarayna F.

work hard with your hands, make the most of every opportunity, and do not despise the days of small beginnings.

believe in magic. but, more than that, believe in the beauty and reward of hard work.

hard work will take you anywhere you want to go, and magic will take you all the places you never even dreamed of.

stay focused. don’t get distracted by everyone else around you.

when you grow weary of working hard, hold on to hope.

the work you are putting in today is planting seeds for your future — and, none of it will be in vain. every seed you plant will bloom in due time.

keep the magic inside of you alive — download the PEPTALKS™ by Lindsey Eryn app in the Apple App Store or Google Play. shop the merch at follow @lindseyeryn, @thedaringromantics, and @peptothetalk for more daily inspo.



Lindsey Eryn Clark-Aguilar

writer, designer, speaker✨owner of third story apt studio 💌 creator of @peptothetalk app 🌹podcast — the daring romantics | TW/IG: @lindseyeryn