you don’t have to carry the pressure of making dreams happen on your own

take the pressure off yourself, and invite the miraculous in

Lindsey Eryn Clark-Aguilar
2 min readSep 17, 2020


the past couple days, i’ve been working really hard on preparing for something that i want to see happen. one of the biggest projects on my plate right now, is getting everything in order to start pitching the PEPTALKS™ app to different publications to get press coverage.

my assistant and i have been working on drafts for pitches and putting together a list of contact to reach out to. and, i’ve been working on a press kit.

we’ve been putting in a lot of work, with the faith and hope that PEPTALKS™ will get picked up by different writers and journalist and reach a wider audience.

last night, i finally finished the press kit. something that i had been putting off for weeks, but just needed to carve out time to do.

this morning, when i woke up, i felt really impressed to remind myself and you to pave the way for the miraculous.

you see, as human beings, it’s so easy for us to get caught up what we can see and control that often times as we are working towards big dreams and ideas, we forget to pave the way for the miraculous.

we forget that experiencing the wild success isn’t always about what we can do on our own behalf, but what can happen when we involve God and allow him to play an active role in creating with us.

because, the reality of the situation — as humans, we can only do so much in our own strength. and, most times, in order to see the wild and unimaginable success that we dream of — we have to open ourselves up to miraculous.

this week, on episode 127 of the daring romantics, i share 5 ways we can pave the way for the miraculous to happen in our lives. tune into the episode on the PEPTALKS™ app, iTunes, spotify, stitcher, or here — on the blog.

my hope is that after listening to this episode, you’ll walk away encouraged that every dream you have is attainable. and, recognize that the Goodness of Life is on your side. you don’t have to carry the pressure of making dreams happen on your own. when you pave the way for the miraculous, miracles do take shape and unleash. they are bound to — because, you’ve cultivated the atmosphere with your faith and vision and work.

alright, that’s it! tune into the new episode and enjoy your day! :)

keep the magic inside of you alive — follow @lindseyeryn, @thedaringromantics, and @peptothetalk for more daily inspo.



Lindsey Eryn Clark-Aguilar

writer, designer, speaker✨owner of third story apt studio 💌 creator of @peptothetalk app 🌹podcast — the daring romantics | TW/IG: @lindseyeryn